National Call-In Day for Refugee Resettlement—March 28

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From the Interfaith Immigration Coalition (

By March 31st, the halfway point for Fiscal Year (FY) 2018, the administration will have resettled just over 10,000 refugees, nowhere near on track to meet the 45,000 admissions goal set for this year. This amounts to a broken promise to tens of thousands of refugees who cannot return to their home countries or rebuild their lives in the country where they first fled. It is critical that the Members of Congress and the Administration hear us decry this record-low number of refugee arrivals and that we support refugee resettlement.

Join Tomorrow’s National Call-in Day (Wednesday, March 28th): Go to or Call (866) 961-4293 3 times to connect with your 1 Representative and 2 Senators. Alternatively, you can call directly—find contact information:

Sample Script: “I’m your constituent from [CITY/TOWN], and I urge you to support the U.S. refugee resettlement program. I strongly oppose President Trump’s all-time low cap on refugee admissions, as well as his continued Muslim and refugee bans. I urge you to do everything in your power to see that the administration resettle at least the 45,000 refugees they have set as the cap for 2018 and urge the administration to commit to resettling at least 75,000 in 2019. Resettlement is a core American legacy that allows refugees to rebuild their lives in safety and dignity. My community welcomes refugees, and I urge you to reflect the best of our nation by supporting the refugee resettlement program.”

Here are five more ways to take action:

  1. Faith Leaders: Sign on to this faith leader letter by COB TODAY (March 27th) to call on the administration to at least 45,000 refugees this fiscal year and commit to resettle at least 75,000 refugees in FY 2019.
  2. Host an #WhereRtheRefugees Public Witness Event: Click here to learn more about how to use interfaith vigils, press conferences, actions, and foot washing ceremonies, and other events to escalate pressure on our national leaders.
  3. Schedule an In-District Meeting: Members of Congress are on recess right now and in their home districts through April 6thClick here for tips on scheduling an in-district meeting during recess.
  4. Write an Op-Ed or LTE: Show your support for refugee resettlement by writing for a local or national publication. You can find sample Op-Eds and LTEs here.
  5. Amplify on Social Media: You can tweet at your Members of Congress or post on Facebook. Some sample social media posts are available here. Find Twitter handles for the Pennsylvania delegation below.

For more information and other resources on how to take action, check out our newly released #WhereRtheRefugees

PA Twitter Handles

  • Bob Casey: @SenBobCasey
  • Pat Toomey: @SenToomey
  • Bob Brady (PA-1): @RepBrady
  • Dwight Evans (PA-2): @RepDwightEvans
  • Mike Kelly (PA-3): @MikeKellyPA
  • Scott Perry (PA-4): @RepScottPerry
  • Glenn Thompson (PA-5): @CongressmanGT
  • Ryan Costello (PA-6): @RepRyanCostello
  • Pat Meehan (PA-7): @RepMeehan
  • Brian Fitzpatrick (PA-8): @RepBrianFitz
  • Bill Shuster (PA-9): @RepBillShuster
  • Tom Marino (PA-10): @RepTomMarino
  • Lou Barletta (PA-11): @RepLouBarletta
  • Keith Rothfus (PA-12): @RepRothfus
  • Brendan Boyle (PA-13): @CongBoyle
  • Mike Doyle (PA-14): @USRepMikeDoyle
  • Charlie Dent (PA-15): @RepCharlieDent
  • Lloyd Smucker (PA-16): @RepSmucker
  • Matt Cartwright (PA-17): @RepCartwright

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