Urge Your Mayor to Speak Up for Refugee Resettlement

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From Christian Reformed Church Office of Social Justice (http://justice.crcna.org/):

Your voice matters! Congress recently passed a short-term measure that flatlines funding for refugee resettlement until December. In response, we are asking our mayors to demonstrate their support for refugees by signing on to a national letter urging Congress to increase funding for refugee protection and resettlement for the rest of FY 2017. Send a note to your mayor at http://p2a.co/ix0VRg2.

Congress will revisit the budget for FY 2017 very soon, and it is critical that they receive broad support for increased resources for the Office of Refugee Resettlement during this time. The hope is that your mayor, and many more around the country, will sign on to the letter and empower Congress to increase resources for refugee resettlement. It is critical that the increase in refugee resettlement be met with increased funding to ensure that local communities have the resources they need to help refugees integrate and thrive. The proposed funding cuts in the FY17 funding bills will damage integration efforts and negatively affect communities that welcome refugees. To view the letter and contact your mayor, click below.


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