Sign Petition to Make PA Climate Clock Permanent

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From PA Climate Convergence (

Last month, we installed a Climate Countdown Clock in the East Wing of the Capitol on the last day of the first Pennsylvania Climate Convergence. We’d arranged to have it on display until the end of the session in November.

Tomorrow, the time on the clock’s face will go from 7 years, 0 days, 00:00:00 to 6 years, 364 days, 23:59:59.

In spite of that, our state government continues to move us in the wrong direction, as if oblivious to the climate impacts already being experienced here at home and around the world and dismissive of the desire for action on climate expressed in polls by the majority of Pennsylvanians. Our public officials’ loyalty to the industries that caused this crisis has made them myopic.

The clock we commissioned to put in the East Wing is the second biggest one in the country after the original clock in Union Square, NYC. (In fact, the clock’s maker tells me he thinks it’s the second largest in the Americas.) It needs to be big if we’re going to get the attention of some of the most captured political leaders on the planet. But it also needs to be there permanently.

We’re calling on the Department of General Services to make our installation in the East Wing permanent. Why the East Wing? The clock is across from the Capitol Restaurant and near the Commonweath Ave. entrance and the hallways that connect to the other office buildings. It’s the busiest spot in the entire Capitol.

Please sign and share our petition to Acting Secretary Joe Lee at

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