Letters Sought for Driving PA Forward—by April 1

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From the Movement for Immigrant Leaders in Pennsylvania (https://www.facebook.com/MILPA-Movimiento-de-Inmigrantes-L%C3%ADderes-en-Pensilvania-560395850837844/):

The Driving PA Forward Coalition (https://drivingpaforward.org/) has started a 40-day campaign to garner support for people being able to apply for a PA Driver’s License without a social security number. They would still have to establish their identity through a Tax ID number. Until 2009, Tax ID numbers were allowed instead of a social security number. The requirement of a social security number greatly affects families in PA who need a driver’s license to get to work, school or medical appointments. The states around us all have provisions to allow people to meet the requirements for a driver’s license, whether they are documented or not.

The Movement for Immigration Leaders in PA (MILPA) is part of the Driving PA Forward Coalition. They are collecting letters of support to our Pennsylvania legislators. The letters will be hand delivered to the legislators around April 5. They request that the letters be handwritten and that they be mailed to MILPA at PO Box 4668, Harrisburg, PA 17111.

The text of the legislation is here:  https://www.legis.state.pa.us/cfdocs/billInfo/billInfo.cfm?sYear=2021&sInd=0&body=H&type=B&bn=0279

Find your Legislator: https://www.legis.state.pa.us/cfdocs/legis/home/findyourlegislator/index.cfm?mobile_choice=suppress

Here are some items that can help with writing a letter, including sample letters to use as templates.

They are hoping to get 6,000 letters.

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