From ReImagine Appalachia (
We need your help! We have learned that funding for the Civilian Climate Corps is not currently included in the framework for the budget reconciliation package that could be voted on before the August Congressional Recess.
We need you to reach out to Congress at to let them know Appalachians need a CCC in any upcoming reconciliation package!
The original CCC—a work relief program created as part of the New Deal in 1933—left a profound impact on the US economy, civilian workforce, and national and state park systems. Over the course of a decade, the CCC employed three million people on conservation and infrastructure projects, which resulted in the planting of more than three billion trees and construction of trails and shelters in more than eight hundred parks nationwide.
A revived CCC could create tens of thousands of jobs in Appalachia alone and create opportunities throughout the region and forge a fair recovery by drawing in returning citizens and other underserved populations.
A living wage and benefits is absolutely essential to targeting and supporting these audiences as well as pre-apprenticeship possibilities, which would help CCC positions lead into long-term career opportunities.
We can achieve our climate goals while implementing community labor standards and launching pre-apprenticeship programs, prioritizing coal communities who would otherwise be left behind in the energy transition period.
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