GreenFaith Invites You to Support the Green New Deal

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From GreenFaith (

Thanks to the visionary and fearless leadership of thousands of young people, the Green New Deal is making climate action the priority it needs to be. These young people are terrified about the future and angry that those in power have not had the courage to address the problem.

They have turned their fear and anger into action by calling for a Green New Deal that offers a vision, urgency and ambition that matches the crisis we face. It centers the moral values that are at the heart of our religious and spiritual traditions: love, justice, and compassion. It lifts up visionary policy solutions that will address the critical issues of our time. It moves us towards a flourishing future for all people. It protects Earth, our common home.

GreenFaith is proud to support the Green New Deal. We invite you to join us. The time is now. Will you add your voice?

Please add your name to our statement of support. This statement, for people of faith and religious and spiritual leaders, affirms the Green New Deal’s values and our belief that protecting the Earth is a sacred act and that environmental stewardship is a moral responsibility.

There are two things we like most about the Green New Deal (GND).

First, it is grounded in values: love, justice, and compassion. The GND resolution recognizes that communities of color and low-income communities suffer worst from climate change. In response, it targets resources for empowering and protecting these communities, breaking a long cycle of prejudice and neglect. The Green New Deal also prioritizes job creation, calls for a “just transition” for workers impacted by the clean energy transition, and promises job training so that workers can gain skills to build an economy that saves the planet. These are the exact moral values that should guide our climate change policies.

Second, it is urgent and ambitious. It calls for a rapid transition to a renewable energy-powered economy, and massive private and public infrastructure investments—exactly what’s needed to address the crisis we face. The science is crystal clear: half measures give us zero chance of avoiding devastation from climate change. That’s why we are celebrating the GND’s boldness. We face real danger. An unparalleled response is required.

There is a movement growing. Tens of thousands of people are standing together to show our elected officials that support for values-driven action is strong, and that now is the time for leadership. Join the movement—together as people of all faiths and spiritualities—our voices are needed in this moment. Add your name to support the Green New Deal.

It should not need repeating, but we’ll say it anyway: climate change is an urgent emergency. Our response must meet the scale of the problem, following clear moral values. An incremental approach will not be sufficient.

GreenFaith simply will not accept that our ambition should be limited by a political culture that is, when it comes to environmental protection, delusionally out of touch. The danger is real. The time for action is now.

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