From the Pennsylvania Health Access Network (
HB 33, the bill to eliminate General Assistance, is likely to move as part of the budget this June. This means that we only have a couple of weeks to make our voices heard about the importance of GA.
Can you join us in Harrisburg on June 4th at 1:30pm in the Capitol Rotunda for a press conference on General Assistance? Please feel free to forward this page to your networks – we’re encouraging as many people to come as possible. You can sign up at
If you can’t make it to the press conference next week, here are some actions you can take:
We’re holding a call-in day to save General Assistance on June 3rd. Can you help us get the word out? Click here for some graphics you can post to social media to encourage your followers to place a call. We’ve also included a one-pager and talking points on the program.
You can also circulate this online tool from Project HOME that allows folks to contact legislators and the Governor’s office via email.
Reach out to your legislators! If you want ideas for what to discuss with legislators or officials, feel free to use our suggested script (below) or consult the talking points. Find contact information for your legislators at
“Hello, my name is ____ and I’m a constituent of Rep./Sen. _____’s. I’m calling on behalf of [congregation or organization]. I’m calling to encourage Representative/Senator ___ to oppose any legislation that would eliminate or cut General Assistance.
General Assistance is a small targeted program that provides about $200 per month for individuals who are disabled, in treatment for substance use disorder, or escaping domestic violence. It is often the difference between someone being able to pay rent and wash clothes, or ending up in a more costly shelter or hospital. Thousands of vulnerable Pennsylvanians from across the state rely on this assistance to get back on their feet. Please encourage ___ to preserve General Assistance.”
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