Add Your Name: End Racist Traffic Stops for Minor Vehicle Infractions

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When police stop vehicles for minor traffic infractions, Black Americans die. Sandra Bland, Philando Castile, and Daunte Wright were killed during traffic stops for minor violations like a missing license plate or malfunctioning brake light. These stops aren’t making our communities safer—they’re killing us.

Add your name at to join the Vera Institute of Justice to end these racist and harmful traffic stops.

Study after study show that Black drivers are more likely to get pulled over for low-level violations than anyone else in the United States. Once pulled over, the risk of jail time and death drastically increases.

Momentum to end these unnecessary traffic stops is building. From Vermont to Michigan to North Carolina, elected officials, prosecutors, and police chiefs have begun to recognize that these stops disproportionately affect people of color and do nothing to make people safer. But this recognition is not enough. It takes courage. It takes commitment. And it takes an engaged public calling for change.

Vera does whatever it takes for justice, but we need your help: Add your name to join us in demanding that police chiefs and prosecutors focus resources on dangerous offenses and not discriminatory and deadly low-level traffic stops.

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