Tell Congress: Embrace a Green New Deal

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It’s been 10 days and California is still being devastated by the most destructive and deadly wildfires in its history. These fires are an urgent reminder that we need bold action to address the climate crisis and we need it now.

That’s why we’re joining with our allies and Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to call for a Green New Deal that would put millions of people to work building a just and equitable 100% renewable energy economy.

Go to to call your member of Congress today and tell her/him to reject fossil fuel influence and embrace a Green New Deal today.

The idea of a “Green New Deal” is spreading rapidly thanks to the bold action of over 200 youth with the Sunrise Movement. Last week, they did a sit-in at Nancy Pelosi’s office in DC that sparked a national conversation. Now more than 10 members of Congress have signed onto the idea and it’s being debated on the pages of the Washington Post and the New York Times.

Specifically, this growing movement is calling on Speaker Pelosi to set up a special select committee that will lay out how a Green New Deal can get us off fossil fuels to 100% renewable energy over the next decade in a way that prioritizes the needs of low-income and communities of color who have been on the frontlines of climate impacts. It’s a bold, progressive solution at the scale of the crisis we face.

Tell your Representative to endorse the plan that tackles climate change to the scale of the crisis: A Green New Deal.

Our movement has also made it clear that whoever joins the Green New Deal committee — whoever wants to be considered a climate leader — must pledge to say no to all fossil fuel money. We know we won’t see real climate leadership from elected leaders who’re in the pocket of the fossil fuel billionaires. That’s why we need to make sure every new leader in the Democratic party shows they’re serious about climate action by refusing big polluters’ dirty dollars.

Click here to call your Representatives and ask them to support the Green New Deal and refuse to take a single dollar from the fossil fuel industry.

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