Earth Information You Can Use

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From Pennsylvania Interfaith Power and Light (

Water flows from high in the mountains.

Water runs deep in the Earth.

Miraculously, water comes to us,

and sustains all life.

—Thich Nhat Hanh

Springtime is a watery time – whether spring showers, snow melt rushing into brooks, streams and rivers, fresh dew on newly plowed fields, or puddles in winter’s potholes.  We celebrate spring – arriving March 20th this year, as the vernal equinox – with these notes about Water.

As our rainfalls become more intense, stormwater management — reducing impervious surfaces and slowing water down so it can soak in —is key to keeping pollution out of streams, and reducing the strain on municipal water systems.  The good news is that households and houses of worship really can make a difference — beautifully.

The Philadelphia Water Department (PWD) is working with faith communities to better manage storm water, relieving stress on the city’s storm drains (and ultimately rivers, streams and the bay); reducing stress on congregational finances, by reducing stormwater fees; increasing cooling green spaces in the midst of urban heat islands; and creating local habitats for diverse species.  Sam Boden, an AmeriCorps VISTA staffer at the Philadelphia Water Department, wrote this profile of a congregation that benefitted from a Stormwater Management Incentives Program grant.  Great inspiration for congregations across the state (and links to some how-tos that are good for households, too!)




Speaking of spring showers… request a free box of energy-saving devices from your electric company.  These new boxes include LED bulbs and nightlights.  If your hot water heater is electric, your box may also include a low-flow showerhead, and a sink aerator.   Whether you install a low-flow fixture from the hardware store or the electricity-saving box, each one of your quicker, water-saving showers will be more meaningful after reading the BBC’s list of 11 world cities on track to run out of drinking water — which includes both London and Miami.

Water flows over these hands.

May I use them skillfully

to preserve our precious planet.

—Thich Nhat Hanh

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