Sign Petition Demanding an End to Gerrymandering

From the Coalition on Human Needs (

The 2021 redistricting process has officially begun―and we must speak out to stop partisan politicians from creating rigged, unfair maps that are created to silence voters and limit the political power of marginalized communities.

If we don’t raise our voices together, power-hungry politicians will gerrymander district maps. That often means resorting to despicable tactics designed to limit the political influence of Black and brown voters and protect incumbents from competition.

Gerrymandering is an old political trick, but that doesn’t mean we have to shrug and accept it! Join our national coalition to demand our democracy be allowed to work without interference. Add your name at, “No!” to gerrymandering.

Remember: Voters have the right to choose their elected officials. Politicians don’t have the right to choose their voters. And that is exactly what gerrymandering is.[1]

These district maps are not some minor administrative detail. Far from it! These seemingly harmless districts will shape our State Legislatures and the control of Congress for the next decade.

This year, we’re putting communities―not politicians―at the center of the process. Whether your state’s districts are drawn by the Legislature or by an independent commission―district mapmakers need to understand “We the People” must not be excluded from the redistricting process or silenced by gerrymandering.

Can you take 30 seconds to sign a petition demanding an end to gerrymandering? Tell them: No more political tricks to suppress the voices of marginalized communities. Join our national coalition to demand our democracy be allowed to work!

Gerrymandering isn’t the only way our democracy is being weakened. States are passing laws to directly undermine our democracy: Between January 1st and mid-May, at least 14 states enacted 22 new laws that restrict access to the vote.[2] More laws are likely on the way since roughly one-third of State Legislatures are still in session.

We cannot afford to let politicians draw deeply partisan and racially divisive districts that deprive voters of the chance to elect someone who shares their experiences. Thank you for all you do to fight for a future that includes all of us, not just the wealthy few.


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