Contact PA’s Senators to Support the Enhanced Sentencing Reform and Corrections Act

From the National Council of Churches (

Senators from both sides of the aisle stood together as they announced new enhancements to the Sentencing Reform and Corrections Act. The changes are designed to broaden even further the bi-partisan support this measure has enjoyed since its initial introduction last fall.

SRCA furthers justice by:

  • Reducing mandatory minimums for non-violent drug offenses
  • Severely restricts use of solitary confinement on juveniles
  • Improve recidivism reduction programs like job training, education, drug rehab, and faith based programming
  • Improving accuracy of FBI background files used by employers during screening

These measures are important first steps on the road to reforming a justice system that relies too much on warehousing people, targets communities of color unfairly, and focuses on punishment rather than restoration.

Contact your Senator now at to tell him/her to support SRCA as a first step towards justice.

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