Please tell EPA—Don’t delay implementation of the Clean Water Rule before December 13. You can submit your comments at Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OW-2017-0644
NOTE: You don’t need to be an expert, and comments don’t need to be lengthy.
Questions? Contact Michael Kelly –, @michaeledkelly
A Faith Perspective
Water has a central place in the practices and beliefs of many religions for two main reasons. Firstly, water cleanses. Water washes away impurities and pollutants, it can make an object look as good as new and wipe away any signs of previous defilement.
Water not only purifies objects for ritual use, but can make a person clean, externally or spiritually, ready to come into the presence of his/her focus of worship. Secondly, water is a primary building block of life. Without water there is no life, yet water has the power to destroy as well as to create. We are at the mercy of water just as we are at the mercy of our God or gods. The significance of water manifests itself differently in different religions and beliefs but it is these two qualities of water that underlie its place in our cultures and faiths. (The Water Page, Water in Religion,
Talking Points
The Clean Water Rule plays a vital role in protecting the water resources that are so important to our communities. Maintaining our wetlands is extremely important in protecting our environment, providing landing places for migratory birds and sources of water for wildlife and our lands. Sadly, we’re losing wetlands across the country at a troubling rate. The Clean Water Rule can help us protect these vital water bodies. We believe the EPA should implement it as soon as possible. Instead, Scott Pruitt wants to change the date the Rule goes into effect so it can’t get to work. Because he knows once it’s implemented and effective, he can’t justify his reckless repeal.
A responsible EPA would implement the Clean Water Rule as soon as it’s authorized to do so, in order to protect streams, wetlands, and drinking water supplies across the country. Scott Pruitt’s EPA wants to play games and either repeal the Rule or change the date it becomes effective, leaving wetlands and streams at risk of pollution and destruction.
Scott Pruitt is putting politics and polluters’ priorities first by proposing EPA change the date the Clean Water Rule’s protections can be applied to our streams, wetlands, and drinking water supplies.
Scott Pruitt is putting our water and health at risk by delaying enforcement of the Clean Water Rule. And he’s doing it for one reason – he knows he can’t justify canceling the Clean Water Rule on scientific or legal grounds. So he doesn’t want us to see that the rule will work.
Scott Pruitt has played fast and loose with the facts about the Clean Water Rule since he was Oklahoma AG. It’s no surprise he wants to play games with the date the Clean Water Rule can be enforced and protect the streams and wetlands that feed our drinking water and protect our communities and health. He’s putting special interests first and planning a weaker rule that will protect fewer of these vital water bodies.
Scott Pruitt is trying to rig the system because he knows he can’t defend his repeal of the Clean Water Rule. The proposal to delay the effective start date of the Clean Water Rule will put streams, wetlands, and drinking water at risk.
Social Media
Hashtags: #ProtectCleanWater #DefendWater #CleanWaterRule
Targets: @EPA, @EPAScottPruitt
- .@EPAScottPruitt and @EPA are leaving wetlands, streams, and drinking water supplies at risk while they are playing games with the #CleanWaterRule. #ProtectCleanWater
- The longer @EPA waits to meaningfully[DJ1] protect streams and wetlands, the greater the risk to drinking water and public health. #ProtectCleanWater
- .@EPAScottPruitt is afraid that if the Clean Water Rule goes into effect, he can’t justify repealing it. He wants @EPA to fudge the start date so we can’t #ProtectCleanWater. Our clean water can’t afford to wait.
- @EPAScottPruitt can’t justify gutting protections for streams and wetlands. So he wants to make sure we never get a chance to see the #CleanWaterRule work. #ProtectCleanWater.
- Bottom-line: @EPAScottPruitt is leaving wetlands and streams and drinking water at risk because he doesn’t want us to know that the #CleanWaterRule works. #DefendWater
- @EPA are so desperate to keep us from protecting streams and wetlands that they are even changing the date the #CleanWaterRule is supposed to go into effect #DefendWater
- Talk about rigging the system. @EPAScottPruitt knows he can’t defend his proposal to gut the #CleanWaterRule so he wants to make sure we never see it work. @EPA wants to change the date the Rule goes into effect. Tell them no. #ProtectCleanWater
- Don’t let @EPAScottPruitt rig the system to keep us from protecting streams, wetlands, and drinking water. Make sure @EPA knows the proposal to delay the #CleanWaterRule is a bad idea. #ProtectCleanWater
- The Clean Water Rule can help us protect wetlands across the country, which we’re losing at a troubling rate. But @EPAScottPruitt wants to change the date the Rule goes into effect so it can’t get to work because he knows once it’s implemented and effective, he can’t justify his reckless repeal.
- .@EPAScottPruitt is putting our water and health at risk by delaying enforcement of the Clean Water Rule. And he’s doing it for one reason – he knows he can’t justify canceling the Clean Water Rule on scientific or legal grounds. So he doesn’t want us to see that the rule will work. Let’s stop him from doing this.
- .@EPAScottPruitt is putting our water and health at risk by delaying enforcement of the Clean Water Rule for one reason – he knows he can’t justify canceling the Clean Water Rule on scientific or legal grounds. Don’t let him get away with it
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