Clean Water for the Woodlands, Butler County—Please Help!

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Several dozen families in the Woodlands community of Butler County, Pennsylvania have lived without clean water for nearly six years as the result of nearby oil and gas fracking. Since fracking occurred near their homes, they have been unable to use their well water.

Fifty-two families in The Woodlands continue to rely on a weekly donation of 20 gallons of clean water for drinking, cooking, and brushing their teeth, which they receive from volunteers operating a water bank at a nearby church.

UUPLAN is partnering with a multi-faith group to 1) raise awareness about the fouled water in this neighborhood and 2) raise funds to help re-stock the water bank. $1000 supplies the water bank with 1 month’s supply of bottled water for these 52 families.

Please join us! Make a contribution for Clean Water for The Woodlands. This project has a matching grant of $2500 so if we reach our goal, the water bank will have a 5-month supply of water to donate to The Woodlands Families.

Donate Now at

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