‘Jericho’ Marches to Protest Lack of Local Labor Used on New Federal Courthouse Project

Local pastors and concerned citizens in the Harrisburg area are inviting/urging others to join them in a series of “Jericho Marches” every Monday at the new federal courthouse site in Harrisburg (6th and Reilly Streets) after learning that the general … Continued

Tell Congress: Strengthen Tax Credits for Working Families

From Moms Rising (https://www.momsrising.org/): Tax season is upon us! You may be scrambling to get your tax return paperwork together and have high hopes to submit everything well before the April 15th deadline (but more likely than not will end … Continued

The Minimum Wage Is Rising in Our Region—Except in Pennsylvania

Posted at https://www.keystoneresearch.org/publications/research/MW_FoodServices This policy watch examines the recent growth in the minimum wage, average weekly wages, and employment in Pennsylvania and across Ohio, New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, the District of Columbia, and West Virginia. Laws on the … Continued