Social Impact Bonds (Pay for Success): Yet Another Privatization Scam

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Posted at For those of us who know more about public education than Wall Street investment schemes, Valerie Strauss and Kenneth Saltman (education writer and professor at the University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth) did us a favor last week. In … Continued

Dakota Access Blackout Continues on ABC, NBC News

posted in: Environment, Uncategorized | 0

Posted at Neil Young’s song about the Dakota Access pipeline fight is 5 minutes, 39 seconds longer than the combined coverage of the controversy on the ABC and NBC networks. (screenshot: Slate) The Sacred Stone Camp established by the Standing Rock Sioux tribe … Continued

What Are the Biggest Defence Budgets in the World?

Posted at The United States dominates the world when it comes to defence spending – but how do other countries compare? By Ashley Kirk, 8:41AM GMT 27 Oct 2015 The United States’ military spending has dominated the world for years, … Continued

HUD Announces New Protections for Victims of Harassment and Survivors of Domestic Violence

By: HUD Exchange Published: September 13, 2016 HUD published a final rule formalizing legal standards under the Fair Housing Act for sexual and other forms of harassment in housing. In addition, HUD is issuing Fair Housing Act guidance on local “nuisance ordinances” that may … Continued

Please Read this Penetrating Indictment of the Every Student Succeeds Act

posted in: Education, Uncategorized | 0

Posted at Participating earlier this week in one of the Ohio Department of Education’s stakeholder meetings about the plan Ohio will be developing to submit to the U.S. Department of Education to comply with the new Every Student Succeeds … Continued