Victory: Pennsylvania Strengthens Domestic Violence Laws

posted in: Uncategorized, Women | 0

From the Women’s Law Project ( Pennsylvania just became the 38th state to enact a law classifying non-lethal strangulation as a stand-alone crime ( Strangulation is the single most accurate predictor of a future domestic violence homicide, but has been … Continued

More PA Kids Have Health Insurance

Posted at October 27, 2016 – Andrea Sears, Public News Service (PA) Play Audio in Browser Window Children with health insurance are more likely to do well in school. (U.S. Navy/Wikimedia Commons) HARRISBURG, Pa. — Pennsylvania has reduced the … Continued

Four Reasons Why Consumers Will Find Affordable Health Insurance in the Marketplaces

Posted at By Families USA October 25, 2016 Editor’s note: With the press coverage and campaign rhetoric about increasing premiums in Affordable Care Act marketplace plans, we want you to see important facts, supplied by the health care experts at Families USA. Open … Continued

Nearly Half the States Persist in Starving Public Education

posted in: Education, Uncategorized | 0

Posted at It is October, when the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP) updates its report on overall school spending across the states. In this year’s version, released last week, CBPP presents new numbers (in inflation-adjusted dollars) depicting … Continued

Report Calls for Closing Juvenile Prisons

Posted at October 24, 2016 – Andrea Sears, Public News Service (PA) Play Audio in Browser Window Report says locking up youths has high costs and hurts children. (Unsplash/ PHILADELPHIA — The number of young people in juvenile detention … Continued

PA Legislative Leaders Try to Pass Bad Pension Plan at the Last Minute

From Keystone Research Center ( Pennsylvania legislative leaders are considering trying to shoe-horn into the end of the legislative session a pension proposal that is an amalgam of old proposals rejected in the past four years. Based on actuarial studies, … Continued

Order a Free Copy of “Before the Flood” on Global Warming Consequences

posted in: Environment, Uncategorized | 0

From Interfaith Power and Light ( On Friday, October 21, Before the Flood, a film by Academy Award winners Leonardo DiCaprio and Fisher Stevens, will be released in theaters from New York to Los Angeles. The film follows Leonardo DiCaprio … Continued