Helpful Information from the Women’s Refugee Commission

Sharing resources provided by the Women’s Refugee Commission that could be helpful for your organizations in the near future… Make a Plan: Migrant Parents’ Guide to Preventing Family Separation: ICE’s Parental Interests Directive: Helping Families Caught Between the Immigration and … Continued

Join the Sanctuary Movement to Resist Deportations & Discrimination

posted in: Immigration, Uncategorized | 1

Take the pledge at As the newly elected administration makes plans to deport millions, register Muslims, and roll back anti-discrimination policies – we must stand up as communities of faith to say: NOT IN OUR HOUSE. From Rev. Alison … Continued

The Implications of Marginal Food Security

Posted at By Melissa Roark November 16, 2016 If you work in the anti-poverty field, it is likely that you’ve heard of food security and food insecurity, but hidden between the two categories is another subcategory: marginal food security. What makes a household … Continued

Sniffing Out Gas Leaks in Pittsburgh

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Posted at November 16, 2016 – Andrea Sears, Public News Service (PA) Play Audio in Browser Window Google Street View cars have mapped gas leaks in pipelines in 11 U.S. cities so far. (Environmental Defense Fund) PITTSBURGH – A … Continued

Protect Human Rights and Peaceful Protest at Standing Rock

From Amnesty International USA ( At the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation, police have used excessive force against peaceful human rights defenders, confronting men, women and children with military gear and military-grade weapons. Peaceful protest is a human right. Stand up for … Continued

Shift in Federal Ed Priorities Worries Advocates

posted in: Education, Uncategorized | 0

Posted at Play Audio in Browser Window Advocates say shifting funds to charter and private schools would hurt public education. (Hunter Kahn/Wikimedia Commons) HARRISBURG, Pa. – The coming administration in Washington, D. C., may redirect billions of dollars of … Continued