Leading Nurses Association Takes Official Stance Against Death Penalty

The American Nurses Association has come out with a strong rebuke of capital punishment. By Kim Bellware, 02/22/2017 08:53 pm ET The American Nurses Association has taken an official position opposing the death penalty for the first time in its organization’s history. The organization … Continued

National Council of Churches’ Statement on Anti-Semitic Incidents

From the National Council of Churches (http://www.ncccusa.org): WASHINGTON: The National Council of Churches denounces recent anti-Semitic incidents and condemns rhetoric that has fueled such acts. We stand firmly with our Jewish brothers and sisters during this difficult time. As a … Continued

Impact of ACA Repeal on the Number of Insured Pennsylvanians

Posted at http://thirdandstate.org/2017/february/impact-repeal-number-insured-pennsylvanians Feb 06, 2017 02:12 pm | John Neurohr The below blog post is take from the PBPC report, “Devastation, Death, and Deficits: The Impact of ACA Repeal on Pennsylvania.” The first, and most important, aim of the … Continued

Trump Administration Toying With Alternative Economic Facts

Posted at http://www.commondreams.org/news/2017/02/21/trump-administration-toying-alternative-economic-facts Published on Tuesday, February 21, 2017 by Common Dreams Trade deficit tweaks and overly-optimistic growth forecasts dubbed economic ‘voodoo’ By Lauren McCauley, staff writer Describing the revised forecasts as “budget voodoo,” Forbes contributor Stan Collender writes: “To say the least, … Continued