Tell Legislators: HUD’s Housing and Community Development Programs Make a Difference

From Housing Alliance of Pennsylvania ( Reducing funding for Federal Programs harms the people currently being assisted by these resources. If funding does not increase, elderly, families and those with disabilities who receive rental vouchers would be cost burdened, and … Continued

Tell Legislators You Support Gun Safety, Not Guns Everywhere

From CeaseFirePA ( While everyone is focused on the horrible things happening in Washington, we wanted to make sure you don’t miss what’s going on in Harrisburg. The gun lobby and their army of guns everywhere for everyone legislators are … Continued

Children’s Advocates Call GOP Health Bill “Wrong for PA Kids”

Posted at March 8, 2017 – Andrea Sears, Public News Service (PA) Play Audio in Browser Window Children with serious illness or accidents could exceed the individual cap on Medicaid proposed as part of the new federal healthcare legislation. … Continued

GOP Health Care Plan Would Make the Poor Sicker So They Can Make the Rich Wealthier

Posted at By Lecia Imbery March 8, 2017  “This bill sends a loud and clear message: tax cuts for special interests and the wealthy matter more than your health care.” This is how Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR) described House Republicans’ legislation, unveiled … Continued

Urge PA Senators to Protect Arctic National Wildlife Refuge from Dirty Oil Development

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From the Alaska Wilderness League ( This month was more proof that drilling means spilling. A gas pipeline supporting offshore drilling platforms in Cook Inlet, Alaska has been leaking into the ocean for over two months now. Even without a deadline … Continued

Tell Congress: New Health Care Legislation Needs Through CBO Analysis Before Action

As you already know, the Republican ACA plan is out — and it will be a giant step backward. See the PA Policy and Budget Center’s analysis of its effects on PA at Please call Senators Casey and Toomey … Continued