Trump Budget Slashes State and Local Grants at Tough Time for States

Posted at Mar 20, 2017 01:59 pm This post, written by Iris J. Lav, originally appeared on the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities blog on March 17, 2017. You can view the original post here. President Trump’s new … Continued

Repeal of the Affordable Care Act: A $31 Billion Tax Cut for a Handful of the Wealthiest Taxpayers

Posted at Mar 20, 2017 03:34 pm | Mark Price In Pennsylvania, the top 1% of families have captured just over half of all the growth in market incomes between 1979 and 2013 (Figure A above). As we have … Continued

White House Budget is Devastating for the Environment—Urge Congress to Oppose It

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From Interfaith Power and Light ( President Trump’s proposed budget is even worse than I expected – and my expectations were pretty low. Our national budget should reflect our shared values. But this budget will cut vital funding for our … Continued

Act TODAY: Tell Your Representative—Oppose ACA Repeal and Replacement

From the Coalition on Human Needs ( House committees have approved an extreme bill that will deny health coverage to millions of people, and make additional millions pay thousands of dollars more for their insurance – more than many will … Continued

Food Stamp Recipients Increasingly Are the Working Poor

Posted at New data challenges the stereotype that receiving food stamps discourages working. By Joseph Erbentraut, 03/16/2017 06:26 pm ET Newly released data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture provides more evidence of just how many low-income households continue … Continued

New Report Confirms Assumptions About PA Coverage Losses Under GOP Health Care Plan

Posted at Mar 17, 2017 07:00 pm | Marc Stier A new study from the Center for America Progress estimates that 970,000 fewer Pennsylvanians will have health insurance if the GOP health care plan is adopted by Congress. The … Continued

Tell Congress to Oppose Funding for Trump’s Wall, Deportation Force & Detention Centers

From Church World Service ( Background: President Trump has issued multiple executive orders that target immigrants, refugees, asylum seekers, and Muslims. Plans are being made to build a border wall and more detention centers, and our undocumented community members have been … Continued