Tell the White House—US Should Be a Safe Place for Refugees

From the National Religious Campaign Against Torture ( Thursday night, President Trump responded to the Syrian government’s use of chemical weapons on its own people by bombing an air base in Syria.  President Trump said of the chemical attack: “It … Continued

PA Representative Matt Cartwright, and Colleagues Introduce Legislative Package to Protect Public Health, Environment from Oil and Gas Development Risk

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Posted at Washington, DC —On April 6, U.S. Representatives Matt Cartwright (PA-17), Diana DeGette (CO-01), Jared Polis (CO-02), and Jan Schakowsky (IL-09) introduced their Safe Energy Future Plan, a package of five bills that will protect public health and … Continued

Oppose Exclusionary, Enforcement Only Requests for Funding Immigration Programs

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From the Interfaith Immigration Coalition ( President Trump is asking Congress for an additional $7.5 billion in fiscal years 2017 and 2018, over and above last year’s funding for immigration enforcement. Members of Congress can use their “power of the … Continued

Only 35 Affordable and Available Rental Units Exist for Every 100 Extremely Low Income Renter Households

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Posted at By Melissa Roark April 6, 2017 Despite the fact that the number of individuals living below the poverty line decreased during 2015, millions are still struggling to get by. According to the National Low Income Housing Coalition’s recent report, The Gap: A … Continued