When Protests Are Powerful, The Powerful Punish Protest

Posted at https://ourfuture.org/20170510/when-protests-are-powerful-the-powerful-punish-protest May 10, 2017 Libero Della Piana When people feel powerless – locked out of decision-making, bypassed by real governance – they turn to protest. Especially for the disenfranchised and oppressed, protest is often the only way to … Continued

Sign Statement: We Stand with The Lancaster Stand

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Students from Eastern Mennonite University, Eastern University, Messiah College, Dickinson College and many other individuals of differing backgrounds are asking for your support for The Lancaster Stand and for environmental and native rights—opposing the Atlantic Sunrise Pipeline. They have set … Continued

Fathers’ Unemployment Taking Huge Toll on Children

Posted at http://www.chn.org/2017/05/09/fathers-unemployment-taking-huge-toll-on-children/#.WRMepPkrIdU By Andrew L. Yarrow May 9, 2017 This piece was originally published by the San Francisco Chronicle on April 27.  [Photo Credit: Caribb via Flickr] “After I got divorced in 1999, I had custody of my kids, but I went out … Continued

Watch Video on Early Childhood Education-Tell PA Legislators to Invest in our Children

From the Pennsylvania Budget and Policy Center (http://www.pennbpc.org): The newest PA’s Choice “Our Stories” video has debuted, focusing on the tremendous impact that state-funded early childhood programs have AND the importance of continuing to invest in young children! After you … Continued