Report: Dark Money in PA Senate Race Distracts from Issues that Matter

Posted at June 13, 2022 – Emily Scott, Public News Service (PA) Play Audio in Browser Window Pennsylvania’s Senate race is garnering national attention, with Democrat John Fetterman and Republican Dr. Mehmet Oz running to replace retiring Republican Sen. … Continued

Tell Your US Representative to Support the Recovering America’s Wildlife Act

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From PennEnvironment ( One-third of North American species — including bumblebees, butterflies, and hummingbirds — are at risk of extinction.1 Right now, over 1,300 species are listed under the Endangered Species Act as either endangered or threatened.2 Another 12,000 are … Continued

‘Time to Scrap the Cap’: Sanders, Warren Bill Targets Rich to Expand Social Security

Posted at Under the current system, notes Sen. Bernie Sanders, billionaires pay “the same amount of Social Security taxes as someone making $147,000 a year.” JAKE JOHNSON June 9, 2022 Sens. Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren led a group of … Continued

Tell Congress to Pass the STREAM Act to Clean Up Acid Mine Drainage

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From Appalachian Voices ( Today, three Appalachian leaders, including Erin Savage of Appalachian Voices, testified before Congress about how proper mine cleanup can help protect and revitalize coal communities. One of the bills they discussed is the bipartisan STREAM Act, … Continued

Tell NOAA to Protect Oculina Bank from Shrimp Trawling–by June 28

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From PennEnvironment ( An expansive, deep-sea coral reef is under threat. Oculina Bank, located off the central-east coast of Florida, contains coral reefs ranging from 200 to 350 feet deep. These reefs support diverse communities of finfish and invertebrates and … Continued

PA Climate Convergence Takes Over Harrisburg This Weekend

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Posted at June 8, 2022 – Emily Scott, Public News Service (PA) Play Audio in Browser Window A three-day action and festival at Pennsylvania’s Capitol this weekend aims to draw attention to the urgency of the climate crisis. Advocates, … Continued