Submit Your Comment—NAFTA Replacement Must Prioritize Working Families, Healthy Communities Over Profits

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From the Citizens Trade Campaign ( The U.S. Trade Representative is currently accepting public comments on how it should renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).  Please demand that any NAFTA replacement deal prioritize the needs of working families … Continued

PennFuture Launches “Water is Life Month”

posted in: Environment, Uncategorized | 0

From PennFuture ( You’ve probably seen the headlines – “Pennsylvania drinking water ranks third worst in the nation,” “Pennsylvania should act now on drinking water problems says EPA,” and “Pittsburgh tries to avoid becoming the next Flint.” Water is our … Continued

Tell DEP and Governor Wolf: Put Pennsylvanians’ Health First in Setting Protections at Natural Gas Facilities

posted in: Environment, Uncategorized | 0

From the Clean Air Council ( Harmful pollution from the natural gas industry in Pennsylvania is on the rise. Industry’s own self-reported data shows that methane emissions went up an alarming 28 percent between 2014 and 2015. Since this data … Continued

Tell Your PA Senator NO to Coal Exemption to PA Clean Streams Law

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From I Love Mountains ( Coal mining giant Consol has been illegally destroying streams in Southwestern Pennsylvania with its longwall mining practices for years, and the Center for Coalfield Justice (CCJ) has been fighting them in court every step of … Continued

New Analysis Shows ‘Medicare for All’ Can Cover Everyone While Cutting Costs

Posted at Published on Wednesday, May 31, 2017 by Common Dreams New financial analysis shows California’s SB 562 would cut state spending on healthcare by almost 20 percent as new poll shows 7 in 10 voters support universal coverage … Continued