Three-Fifths of Cuts in Trump Budget Come from Programs for Low- and Moderate-Income People

Posted at By Lecia Imbery June 7, 2017 A new analysis from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities found that roughly three-fifths of the $4.3 trillion of non-defense cuts in President Trump’s proposed FY18 budget come from programs assisting low- and … Continued

Urge PA Legislators to Support Public Education, Oppose Charter School Legislation

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From Education Voters of Pennsylvania ( Lawmakers are in Harrisburg negotiating a state budget and considering legislation that will impact PA’s public school students. The PA House has already passed two pieces of legislation that would weaken public education in PA and … Continued

Sign Petition to Protect the Johnson Amendment and Integrity of Tax-Exempt Organizations

From Americans United for Separation of Church and State ( For more than six decades, a provision of the tax code known as the Johnson Amendment has protected the integrity of tax-exempt organizations, including houses of worship, by ensuring they … Continued

Urge PA Legislators to Support Adequate Funding for State Food Programs in PA Budget

From Hunger-Free Pennsylvania ( If you agree with the message below go to to take action today. Please feel free to share this message far and wide! As a constituent who cares about the people in our community struggling … Continued

Don’t Deport My Dad: Call for Vigils on Father’s Day—June 18

posted in: Immigration, Uncategorized | 0

From Church World Service ( Faith organizations, congregations and partner organizations are holding prayer vigils to recognize so many dads who are facing deportation and could be torn away from their children this Father’s Day. Leading organizations such as Church … Continued