States Remove SNAP, TANF Penalties that Undermined the Formerly Incarcerated

Posted at JUN 12, 2017 By Victoria Palacio For people with felony convictions, even those who haven’t been to prison, it’s challenging to find employment to support themselves and their families. This problem is compounded by collateral consequences, such as losing … Continued

What Would an Adequate Pennsylvania Budget Look Like This Year?

posted in: PA Budget, Uncategorized | 0

Posted at Jun 15, 2017 05:55 pm | Marc Stier A really good budget for Pennsylvania would begin addressing our long-term public investment deficit. It would provide new funds to: eliminate our worst-in-the-nation inequality in K-12 school funding; expand … Continued

Report: PA Needs to Boost Services for Seniors

posted in: Seniors, Uncategorized | 0

Posted at June 15, 2017 – Andrea Sears, Public News Service (PA) Play Audio in Browser Window The majority of older Pennsylvanians want to live independently, at home, as they age. (Tunstall/Flickr) HARRISBURG, Pa. — Pennsylvania has made some … Continued

Tell Secretary Zinke: Continue to Protect Special Areas in National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska

posted in: Environment, Uncategorized | 0

From the Alaska Wilderness League ( We’ve all seen the pictures: oil and birds do not mix. Yet, Interior Secretary Zinke could expose Teshekpuk Lake – a protected Special Area with the highest density of shorebirds in the Arctic – … Continued

With Public Pensions Done, It’s Time Now for a Victory on Retirement Security…and a Great State Budget

Posted at Jun 12, 2017 03:13 pm | Stephen Herzenberg Roughly five years after Gov. Corbett first began an effort to eliminate guaranteed pensions for future school and state employees, Gov. Wolf today signed a bill that reduces the … Continued

Kansas’ Experiment Yields Valuable Lessons

posted in: Tax Policy, Uncategorized | 0

Posted at Jun 09, 2017 03:59 pm The following post was written by Heidi Holliday, Executive Director at Kansas Center for Economic Growth.  You’re welcome, America. Our state, Kansas, just wrapped up a 5-year long experiment in governance from … Continued