Tell Lawmakers to Remember the Hungry in PA Budget

From Lutheran Advocacy Ministry in Pennsylvania ( NOTE: You need not be Lutheran to use this tool. As Christians, we pray for daily bread, not just for ourselves, but for our neighbors. As Lutherans, we believe we are called to … Continued

‘Off the Scale’: Warmer Arctic Ocean Fueling Climate Feedback Loop Faster Than Previously Known

posted in: Environment, Uncategorized | 0

Posted at “This is one of the scariest reports I have ever seen,” said one climate scientist in response to new study. JON QUEALLY June 15, 2022 New scientific research published Wednesday shows the waters in the North Barents Sea … Continued

Tell PA General Assembly to Support Budget with Increased Funding for Environmental Agencies to Do Their Work

posted in: PA Budget, Uncategorized | 0

From PennFuture ( Budget negotiations are underway in Harrisburg as lawmakers work to pass a new spending plan by the June 30 deadline, and it’s important for our elected officials to hear from constituents about our priorities and concerns. As … Continued

Tell Your Representative to Cosponsor the Solitary Confinement Study and Reform Act

From the National Religious Campaign Against Torture ( We have an important update to share about our progress in addressing the use of solitary confinement through federal legislation. This week, the Solitary Confinement Study and Reform Act was introduced in … Continued

Urge Our Senators to Support the Bipartisan Framework for Gun Reform

From CeaseFirePA ( We see the tiniest of cracks in the wall of opposition we’ve experienced for decades. Light is finally shining through. Ten Senate Democrats and ten Senate Republicans met to broker a bipartisan framework for gun reform. This … Continued

Medicare for All Could Have Prevented More Than 338,000 US Covid Deaths: Study

Posted at “Healthcare reform is long overdue in the U.S.,” said the lead author of a new study. “Americans are needlessly losing lives and money.” KENNY STANCIL June 14, 2022 Covid-19 has killed more than one million people in the United States … Continued