Urge Your Representative to Support Temporary Protected Status for Hondurans/Salvadorans

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From the Latin America Working Group (http://www.lawg.org/home): We did it. In July, we set a goal–100 signatories on a bipartisan letter calling for an extension of Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for Hondurans and Salvadorans. We’re excited to let you know … Continued

Tell Congress: No Tax Cuts that Help Wealthy People and Corporations at the Expense of Struggling Persons and Families

From People Demanding Action (http://pdaction.org/): Washington has begun a historic―and disastrous―debate. Donald Trump and Republican leaders in Congress want to enact massive tax cuts that will mostly benefit millionaires and billionaires and wealthy corporations paid for by deep budget cuts … Continued

Census Data Show Largest Two-Year Income Gain in Five Decades, Progress Against Poverty in 2016

From the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (http://www.cbpp.org): Posted at https://www.cbpp.org/press/statements/greenstein-census-data-show-largest-two-year-income-gain-in-five-decades-progress CBPP Statement: September 12, 2017 – For Immediate Release BY ROBERT GREENSTEIN Today’s Census data bring good news on income, poverty, and health coverage. The typical household’s income rose more … Continued

Status Report—International Affairs Budget

From Oxfam America (http://www.oxfamamerica.org): Last week, the Senate Appropriations Committee and the full House of Representatives voted on spending bills to fund international anti-poverty programs. As you know, Oxfam and our allies have been pushing against cuts to the most … Continued