Sign Letter Urging Congress to Protect SNAP in the Farm Bill

posted in: Human Needs, Uncategorized | 0

From Moms Rising ( Every once in a while something uplifting and amazing happens in Washington, D.C.— and when that special something happens, it’s likely because moms, dads, and concerned people like YOU have spoken out! That’s what’s currently happening … Continued

Tell Our Senators: Increase Labor, Health, and Education Spending; Cut Pentagon Spending

From the Coalition on Human Needs ( The Senate is about to debate two spending bills together:  one covers the Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education; the other, Pentagon spending.  Labor-HHS-Ed does not get a fair share … Continued

On Missouri Voters’ Repeal of Anti-Union ‘Right to Work’ Law

Posted at Posted August 7, 2018 In response to the Proposition A veto referendum in which Missouri voters resoundingly repealed Senate Bill 19, the state’s right-to-work law, Christine Owens, executive director of the National Employment Law Project, issued the … Continued

We Did It! 250,000 Comments Submitted. You Demanded A Fair and Thorough 2020 Census.

Posted at By David Elliot August 8, 2018 We’ve been telling you about efforts by the Administration to include a citizenship question on the 2020 Census – you can read earlier posts about this issue here and here. Together with a broad and … Continued

Act Now for Alternatives, Reduced Funding for Immigrant Detention

posted in: Immigration, Uncategorized | 0

From the National Religious Campaign Against Torture ( The family separation crisis happening at the border is a human rights disaster, not to mention the Administration’s “zero tolerance” and other anti-immigrant policies. Families are still arriving, seeking to escape physical … Continued