Remind the Women Around You—Register to Vote!

From Unidos US ( Recently, we celebrated Women’s Equality Day at UnidosUS. While we have made many strides in the struggle to achieve gender equality, we are still faced with challenges including closing the gender pay gap, access to reproductive … Continued

Tell Congress: No More Funds for Family Separations, Keep Protections for Immigrant Children

From Church World Service ( Right now, ICE is asking Congress for additional funding for family incarceration and immigration detention. It is critical for the faith community to make their voices heard and urge Congress to reject any proposal that fuels family … Continued

Tell Your PA Representative: Protect Vulnerable Young Human Trafficking Victims from Criminalization

Thanks to Lutheran Advocacy Ministry in PA for sharing this action. Safe Harbor Children in our Commonwealth who are sexually exploited by traffickers become re-victimized in the juvenile justice system when they are arrested and prosecuted for prostitution and other … Continued

Election 2018 is Nearing: Here’s 10 Things that Congregations Can Do

10 THINGS YOUR CONGREGATION CAN DO Prepared by Scott D. Anderson, Former Executive Director, Wisconsin Council of Churches (reprinted with permission from Wisconsin Council of Churches Ecu-News, July 2004) Download this list, along with guidelines for organizing an adult education forum, a … Continued

Sign the Petition to US Congress to End Partisan Gerrymandering

Posted By: Common Cause (campaign leader) We must end partisan gerrymandering to create a democracy where everyone’s voice is heard. Add your name to support fair maps now at This week, we learned that Common Cause’s legal challenge to … Continued

Share Comment: Keep Clean Car Standards in Place

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From PennEnvironment ( The administration has proposed far-reaching rollbacks of air pollution protections from cars and trucks. Add your name to our comments against this attack today at! Pennsylvanians have already seen more than our fair share of smoggy … Continued