Pennsylvania Court Decides Asylum-Seeking Families Detained at Berks Detention Center Will Have a Voice in State Licensing Case

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Court agrees that the interests of detained families and legal representatives have not been adequately represented by Pennsylvania’s child welfare agency On January 21, the Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court ruled that families formerly imprisoned by ICE at the Berks family detention center … Continued

Temperature in Antarctica Soars Past 69°F as NOAA Reports Last Month Was World’s Hottest January on Record

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Posted at Published on Thursday, February 13, 2020 by Common Dreams While the reading in Antarctica still needs to be confirmed, the Brazilian scientists who logged it called the new record “incredible and abnormal.” By Jessica Corbett, staff writer … Continued

CWS Statement: Expanded Muslim Ban is Discriminatory and Morally Reprehensible

posted in: Immigration, Uncategorized | 0

Posted at Congress must pass the No Ban Act and end to the administration’s harmful Muslim, Refugee, and Asylum Bans Washington, D.C. — Church World Service today condemned the Trump administration’s expansion of its cruel and unnecessary Muslim ban. … Continued

Tell Congress It’s Time for Comprehensive Plastic Pollution Legislation

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From PennEnvironment ( Less than 10 percent of single-use plastics were recycled in 2019.1 The rest went to landfills, were burned in incinerators or were left uncollected, with approximately 8 million tons making their way to the sea.2 Nothing we … Continued