Tell Congress to Oppose Funding for Trump’s Wall, Deportation Force & Detention Centers

From Church World Service ( Background: President Trump has issued multiple executive orders that target immigrants, refugees, asylum seekers, and Muslims. Plans are being made to build a border wall and more detention centers, and our undocumented community members have been … Continued

Ahistorical and Wrong–on Police Body Cameras and Other Things

  Are police body cameras designed to scrutinize police work? Photo via Utility, Inc. By Matt Stroud, Criminal justice researcher, ACLU of Pennsylvania I thought I’d misheard him. At a Duquesne University conference on a Friday afternoon in late January, John … Continued

Though Temporarily Blocked, Act to Tell Our Senators to Stop the Muslim Ban from Harming Families

From Amnesty International USA ( Fatima’s sons narrowly survived bombs and bullets in Yemen. They hid under the stairs as bombs rained down on their neighborhood. They survived on stale bread and water. Eventually, they literally made a run for … Continued

Can Ds & Rs Agree to Health Care for All Children?

From Public Citizens for Children and Youth ( PCCY published a piece making the argument for realizing Dream Care now. Find it at AAP Calls for Protection of Immigrant Children The American Academy of Pediatrics released a compelling policy statement … Continued