17 Reasons the Muslim Ban is Pure Discrimination (and Counting)

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Posted at https://medium.com/@MuslimAdvocates/17-reasons-the-muslim-ban-is-pure-discrimination-and-counting-c83ef34810b2 Despite a mountain of evidence that the Muslim ban executive orders are purpose-built to discriminate against Muslims, the Trump Administration is somehow arguing in court that they’re not. Here are 17 (and counting) pieces of evidence that … Continued

Speaking Out in Pennsylvania

We invite you to support this very important ministry! Please consider making a generous contribution at https://www.pachurches.org/shop/ (you may also make this a recurring contribution). March 30, 2017 – By Diana Williams MCC photo/Diana Williams Rev. Sandra Strauss, Director of Advocacy & Ecumenical … Continued

Tell the White House—US Should Be a Safe Place for Refugees

From the National Religious Campaign Against Torture (http://www.nrcat.org): Thursday night, President Trump responded to the Syrian government’s use of chemical weapons on its own people by bombing an air base in Syria.  President Trump said of the chemical attack: “It … Continued

Oppose Exclusionary, Enforcement Only Requests for Funding Immigration Programs

posted in: Immigration, Uncategorized | 0

From the Interfaith Immigration Coalition (http://www.interfaithimmigration.org): President Trump is asking Congress for an additional $7.5 billion in fiscal years 2017 and 2018, over and above last year’s funding for immigration enforcement. Members of Congress can use their “power of the … Continued

Empty Jails Hope to Cash In on Illegal Immigration Crackdown

posted in: Immigration, Uncategorized | 0

From the Interfaith Immigration Coalition (http://www.interfaithimmigration.org): Claudia Lauer – Associated Press Friday, March 31st, 2017 Posted at https://www.abqjournal.com/980131/empty-jails-hope-to-cash-in-on-illegal-immigration-crackdown.html DALLAS — Several Texas counties that are struggling with debt because their jails have few or no prisoners hope to refill those … Continued

Deportation Fears Prompt Immigrants to Cancel Food Stamps

Posted at http://www.npr.org/sections/thesalt/2017/03/28/521823480/deportation-fears-prompt-immigrants-to-cancel-food-stamps NPR, March 28, 2017 The current administration’s tough stance on immigration is causing many lawful permanent residents to cancel their SNAP benefits. “Which is really frightening because these are families that are often working minimum-wage jobs, trying … Continued

Nearly 300 Legal Experts: Attorney General Sessions Wrong on “Sanctuary” Cities

posted in: Immigration, Uncategorized | 0

From the Immigrant Legal Resources Center (https://www.ilrc.org/): Attorney General Falsely Claims “Sanctuary” Cities Violate Federal Law WASHINGTON, D.C. — This morning, during a press briefing at the White House, U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions made several erroneous remarks concerning so-called … Continued