Tell Congress to Protect Critical Housing & Community Development Programs

From Housing Alliance of Pennsylvania ( The Administration has proposed to cut this year’s funding for critical housing and community development programs. This is in addition to cuts that have been proposed for fiscal year 2018. We can’t wait to … Continued

DeLauro and Murray Push to Guarantee Paid Sick and Safe Days for Workers Nationwide

March 15, 2017 By Zoe Ziliak Michel At a time when millions of Americans’ health insurance—and health—is imperiled by an attack on the Affordable Care Act (ACA), at least one bill introduced in Congress could have a positive impact on … Continued

Food Stamp Recipients Increasingly Are the Working Poor

Posted at New data challenges the stereotype that receiving food stamps discourages working. By Joseph Erbentraut, 03/16/2017 06:26 pm ET Newly released data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture provides more evidence of just how many low-income households continue … Continued

Trump Budget Slashes Programs That Work Just Fine

Posted at By Deborah Weinstein March 17, 2017 So the first part of the Trump budget is out, and it is one of the clearest examples of upside-down priorities you’re likely to see. It cuts funds from programs serving our … Continued

Fairness, Progress and Greatness Trumped in Partial Budget; Investments in People Sacrificed

Posted at By Deborah Weinstein March 16, 2017 The dark and dangerous priorities of the Trump Administration are laid bare in its first budget submission.  The winners are military contractors and tough guy ideologues.  The losers are the American people. … Continued

Tell Legislators: HUD’s Housing and Community Development Programs Make a Difference

From Housing Alliance of Pennsylvania ( Reducing funding for Federal Programs harms the people currently being assisted by these resources. If funding does not increase, elderly, families and those with disabilities who receive rental vouchers would be cost burdened, and … Continued