We Must Invest In Housing

Posted at http://www.chn.org/2017/04/13/must-invest-housing/#.WO-NcPkrIdU By Deborah Weinstein April 13, 2017 It really was great news that Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City, Matthew Desmond’s urgent wake-up call about the gross injustice of evictions, won the Pulitzer Prize.  The painful reality of housing … Continued

Congress Is Home for Recess – Time to Talk! Here’s Three Ways…

Posted at http://www.chn.org/2017/04/10/congress-home-recess-time-talk/#.WO0YA_krIdU By Deborah Weinstein April 10, 2017 It’s time to talk to your members of Congress! Representatives and Senators have left Washington for a two-week recess, April 7 – 23. During the last recess, the outpouring of outrage about … Continued

Only 35 Affordable and Available Rental Units Exist for Every 100 Extremely Low Income Renter Households

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Posted at http://www.chn.org/2017/04/06/fact-of-the-week-only-35-affordable-and-available-rental-units-exist-for-every-100-extremely-low-income-renter-households/#.WOeuzPkrIdU By Melissa Roark April 6, 2017 Despite the fact that the number of individuals living below the poverty line decreased during 2015, millions are still struggling to get by. According to the National Low Income Housing Coalition’s recent report, The Gap: A … Continued

Urge our Senators to Support Interagency Council on Homelessness

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From the National Alliance to End Homelessness (http://www.endhomelessness.org): Senator Hirono (D-HI) is asking Senators to sign her letter in support of the U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness (USICH). The letter requests that the T-HUD Appropriations Subcommittee provide $3.6 million in … Continued

She Told Paul Ryan What It’s Like to Be Poor

Posted at http://www.chn.org/2017/04/04/told-paul-ryan-like-poor/#.WOeXCPkrIdU By David Elliot April 4, 2017 Last spring, we reported on a new documentary making the rounds at Sundance and other venues throughout the country. A Hug from Paul Ryan followed the story of Tianna Gaines-Turner, who, despite working two … Continued

Ask Senator Toomey to Sign the Dear Colleague Letter on Homelessness

From the National Alliance to End Homelessness (http://www.endhomelessness.org): We need your help. Senators Jeff Merkley (D-OR) and Kristen Gillibrand (D-NY) are circulating a letter requesting $2.6 billion for McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Grants in Fiscal Year 2018. This money will fund the … Continued

Beyond Vietnam: A Time to Break Silence

Posted at http://www.chn.org/2017/04/04/15485/#.WOOgGPkrIdU By James Abro April 4, 2017 Last week the Kairos Center for Religions, Rights, and Social Justice sent out a newsletter informing people that today, April 4, marks the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King’s “Beyond Vietnam” speech.  The … Continued

Philadelphia’s School District Finds Creative Ways to Ensure Kids Eat Breakfast

Posted at http://www.newsworks.org/index.php/local/education/102125-philadelphias-school-district-finds-creative-ways-to-ensure-kids-eat-breakfast Newsworks.org, March 12, 2017 Since moving school breakfast into the classroom, Philadelphia’s H.A. Brown School has seen participation increase from 30 percent of students to more than 70 percent of students. Wayne Grasela, the school district’s senior … Continued

Deportation Fears Prompt Immigrants to Cancel Food Stamps

Posted at http://www.npr.org/sections/thesalt/2017/03/28/521823480/deportation-fears-prompt-immigrants-to-cancel-food-stamps NPR, March 28, 2017 The current administration’s tough stance on immigration is causing many lawful permanent residents to cancel their SNAP benefits. “Which is really frightening because these are families that are often working minimum-wage jobs, trying … Continued