D-SNAP Provides Food in Time of Disaster

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Posted at http://www.clasp.org/issues/work-supports/in-focus/d-snap-provides-food-in-time-of-disaster AUG 30, 2017 By Victoria Palacio Tens of thousands of people have been displaced from their homes in the wake of Hurricane Harvey.  Houston and the Texas coast are still experiencing severe flooding, with more rain expected in … Continued

National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (VOAD) Provides Places to Help Those Affected by Harvey & Irma

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Thanks to Rev. Karl Jones for sharing this important information. From the “About Us” page of their website: National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (National VOAD), an association of organizations that mitigate and alleviate the impact of disasters, provides a … Continued

Research Suggests Hunger a Side Effect of Climate Change

Posted at http://www.publicnewsservice.org/2017-08-08/climate-change-air-quality/research-suggests-hunger-a-side-effect-of-climate-change/a58898-1 August 8, 2017 – Mary Kuhlman, Public News Service (PA) Play Audio in Browser Window Research suggests higher levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere are likely to reduce nutrients in food. (David Fulmer/Flickr) HARRISBURG, Pa. – … Continued

Take Action During August Recess to Build Opposition to September House Budget Vote

From the Food Research and Action Center (http://www.frac.org): Newly Released FRAC SNAP Maps Tool Highlights SNAP’s Importance — Especially in Small Towns and Rural Areas Members of Congress are home for the August recess. Now is an opportune time to … Continued

Participation in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Highest in Rural Areas and Small Towns, New Data Tool Reveals

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From the Food Research and Action Center (http://www.frac.org): WASHINGTON, August 2, 2017 — Households in counties determined by the U.S. Census Bureau to be rural and small town are more likely to participate in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) … Continued

Support African American Clergy Advocacy for the Poor

From the National Council of Churches (http://www.ncccusa.org): On July 18 African American clergy from across the country descended on Capitol Hill and held a press conference followed by meetings and civil disobedience to protest unjust budget proposals. These include: Cuts to … Continued