‘We Will Pay, and Our Children and Grandchildren’

Posted at https://www.chn.org/2017/12/04/will-pay-children-grandchildren/#.WiV8SVWnEdU By CHN December 4, 2017 Editor’s note: Deborah Weinstein, Executive Director of the Coalition on Human Needs, issued the following statement Monday, Dec. 4 in response to the tax bills passed by the Senate and House: “The Senate and … Continued

Tell Congress: Improve Healthy Food Access, Sponsor the Local FARMS Act

From the Union of Concerned Scientists (http://www.ucsusa.org): Every five years, the Farm Bill—a massive legislative package that shapes our food choices and how farmers grow our food—comes up for renewal. That means that every five years, UCS supporters like you … Continued

More Than 350,000 PA Seniors Take Advantage of Streamlined Food-Stamp Application

KATE GIAMMARISE, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, kgiammarise@post-gazette.com NOV 13, 2017 More than a year after the state rolled out a vastly simplified application process for some senior citizens applying for food assistance, more than 350,000 older Pennsylvanians have used the streamlined tool. … Continued

Pennsylvania Simplifies SNAP Application Process for Older Adults

From the Community Action Association of Pennsylvania (http://www.thecaap.org): The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, formerly known as “food stamps”) is the nation’s most effective tool to combat food insecurity. The program provides nutrition assistance for millions of eligible low-income individuals … Continued

Call TODAY—Tell PA Members of Congress to Reject the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act

Things are moving fast… The Senate may vote on the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act as soon as Thursday, November 30. This tax bill is fundamentally flawed and cannot be fixed – in three big ways: It is irresponsible, growing … Continued

Support Pennsylvania Anti-Hunger Programs

From Hunger-Free Pennsylvania (http://www.hungerfreepa.org/): Join Hunger-Free Pennsylvania share with Governor Wolf how important the State Food Purchase Program and Pennsylvania Agricultural Surplus System are to low-income families & individuals in Pennsylvania. Please take a moment to read the message If … Continued

The Gathering Video Shows How War Economy is Connected to Poverty and Violence

From Repairers of the Breach (http://www.breachrepairers.org/): November 11 was Armistice Day, rebranded as Veterans Day in the 1950s by Ronald Reagan to shift our mourning of the countless lives lost to war to a celebration of the war economy.1 The … Continued