Decrying ‘Dog-Eat-Dog System,’ #PoorPeoplesCampaign Kicks Off 40 Days of ‘Moral Action’

Posted at Published on Monday, February 05, 2018 by Common Dreams “We are witnessing an assault on the poor, on immigrants, on black and brown people, and on the Earth, and we can’t let it happen any longer.” By Jessica … Continued

Tell Congress to Support Affordable, High Quality Child Care

From Moms Rising ( Get any group of parents of young children together and the issue that comes up almost immediately (besides bedtime woes!) is the cost, concerns, and crisis of trying to find high-quality affordable childcare. And there is … Continued

“Welfare Reform” (in PA) Means Cuts

From Community Legal Services of Philadelphia ( State Bills Would Harm Pennsylvanians Struggling to Get By, and Cost PA Millions in Federal Dollars with No State Savings. The proposals announced by a number of legislators on January 2, 2018 as … Continued

March On Harrisburg Speaking Tour/Training for Poor People’s Campaign–Multiple Dates

Adam Eichen, co-author with Frances Moore Lappe of Daring Democracy: Igniting Power, Meaning, and Connection for the America We Want, will be joining MarchOnHarrisburg for a speaking tour and democracy training across Pennsylvania. The forum will include a speech from … Continued