Condescension In A Box: The Trump Administration’s SNAP Proposal

Posted at By David Elliot February 27, 2018 Earlier this month, as part of its overall budget plan, the Trump administration proposed a radical restructuring of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), formerly known as food stamps.  The changes would … Continued

Resources From Around the Coalition: Trump FY19 Budget Edition

Posted at By Lecia Imbery February 22, 2018 On Feb. 12, the Trump administration released its Fiscal Year 2019 budget request. Since then, CHN’s members have been busy analyzing the proposal and pointing out the many ways it would slash … Continued

Share a Message in Support of Fast-Food Workers Seeking Better Pay and Union Rights

From the Poor People’s Campaign ( In 1968, Martin Luther King watched as a teacher in Marks, Mississippi cut an apple in four to feed four hungry students. That sight moved him to tears and inspired him to join with … Continued

FRAC: President’s FY 2019 Budget Will Make Hunger and Poverty Worse in America

From the Food Research and Action Center ( Statement attributed to Jim Weill, president, Food Research & Action Center (FRAC). WASHINGTON, February 12, 2018 — The president’s fiscal year 2019 budget eviscerates one of the nation’s most successful programs, the … Continued

Proposed Elimination of the Community Services Block Grant (CSBG)

From the Community Action Association of Pennsylvania ( Today the Trump Administration released its FY 2019 budget proposal, doubling down on last year’s unprecedented proposed cuts. The budget calls for the elimination of three programs critical to America’s working families … Continued

Fueled by Broken Social Contract, Study Finds Inequality and Despair Driving US Life Expectancy Down

Posted at Published on Thursday, February 08, 2018 by Common Dreams While the U.S. is still extremely rich nation, “its wealth is not inclusive” and “the ‘American dream’ is increasingly out of reach” By Julia Conley, staff writer A … Continued