Court Says Cities Can’t Criminalize Sleeping Outside Absent Other Housing or Shelter Options

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Posted at September 13, 2018 Written by Eric Tars, Senior Attorney, National Law Center on Homelessness & Poverty. Last Tuesday, September 4, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed that people experiencing homelessness cannot be punished for sleeping outside in the … Continued

Tell Congress to Stop Violence Against Children

From the Poor People’s Campaign ( Our children are targets. The Co-Chairs of the Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival, along with poor people, advocates, as well as denominational and national faith leaders are fighting back to … Continued

Affordable Child Care Must Be Part of Agenda to Help Working People

From the Center for American Progress ( New polling data from the Center for American Progress reveals that a majority of voters have struggled with child care and believe that government has a role to play in solving America’s child … Continued

Progress in Fighting Poverty Slows—and for the First Time in Years, the Number of Uninsured Americans Does Not Significantly Decline

Posted at By CHN September 12, 2018 Editor’s note: CHN on Wednesday, Sept. 12 issued the following statement in response to the U.S. Census Bureau’s latest census and poverty data. For more information, please visit our 2017 Census and Poverty … Continued

Who’s Using the Social Safety Net? More and More, It’s the Middle Class

From the Food Research and Action Center ( The Fiscal Times, September 4, 2018 The Brookings Institute reports that middle-class income groups accounted for 23 percent of means-tested social welfare spending in 1979, but that number increased to about 46 … Continued