New Report Shows How to Reverse Trend of Mothers, Infants, and Toddlers Not Getting Nutrition Needed for a Healthy Life

From the Food Research and Action Center ( WASHINGTON, May 7, 2019 — Far too many pregnant women, new mothers, and their young children in the U.S. are missing out on the healthy nutrition they need, according to a report released today … Continued

Tell PA Legislators to Support Anti-Hunger Programs in PA

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From Hunger-Free Pennsylvania ( Make today the day you support Pennsylvania anti-hunger programs by sending an email to your State Senator and Representative! Read the message to legislators at Then go to to send your email. FINALLY, please … Continued

Flood of Comments Shows Public ‘Utterly Repulsed’ By Trump Plan to Take Food Stamps From 750,000 People

Posted at Published on Wednesday, April 03, 2019 by Common Dreams “This is a direct attack on the most vulnerable among us and this policy violence cannot go unchallenged,” said Rev. William Barber By Jake Johnson, staff writer U.S. … Continued

New Poll: Vast Majority of Americans Believe Affordable Housing Should Be a Top National Priority

A new national opinion poll released by the Opportunity Starts at Home Campaign shows that the majority of Americans believe that housing affordability is a priority issue for the nation. Among the key findings: 91% of respondents say stable affordable … Continued

Prosperity Now Scorecard Reveals Financial Vulnerability of American Households

From Prosperity Now ( As a result of America’s recent government shutdown, a glaring issue has become more apparent than ever in our economy. When federal workers began to miss paychecks, some had to turn to food banks and charitable … Continued

Boston City Council Passes Groundbreaking Food Justice Ordinance

Posted at Published on Wednesday, March 20, 2019 by Common Dreams “This will have ripple effects throughout the entire nation” By Andrea Germanos, staff writer “In short, the Good Food Purchasing Program helps build the local, sustainable, thriving food … Continued