Effects of U.S. Senate Health Care Bill on Pennsylvania

Posted at https://www.thirdandstate.org/2017/june/memo-effects-us-senate-health-care-bill-pennsylvania Jun 28, 2017 03:04 pm | Marc Stier MEMO To: Interested Parties From: Marc Stier, Director, Pennsylvania Budget and Policy Center Date: June 28, 2017 Re: Effects of U.S. Senate Health Care Bill on Pennsylvania The Pennsylvania … Continued

Despite Delay, Resistance Doubles Down Against Deeply Unpopular Trumpcare Bill

Posted at https://www.commondreams.org/news/2017/06/28/despite-delay-resistance-doubles-down-against-deeply-unpopular-trumpcare-bill Published on Wednesday, June 28, 2017 New poll shows just 17 percent of Americans support Republican bill By Julia Conley, staff writer Americans across the country have mobilized this week to stop the Republican effort to pass … Continued

Call Senators Casey and Toomey to Oppose Senate Health Care Bill

From Faith in Public Life (http://www.faithinpubliclife.org): Even though Sen. McConnell pulled the Senate’s immoral repeal of affordable health care yesterday, which would strip 22 million Americans of health insurance, we’re not out of the woods yet. Please call our Senators … Continued

Senate Health-Care Plan Called “Worse” for PA

Posted at http://www.publicnewsservice.org/2017-06-23/health-issues/senate-health-care-plan-called-worse-for-pa/a58246-1 June 23, 2017 – Andrea Sears, Public News Service (PA) Play Audio in Browser Window A report says as many as 125,000 Pennsylvania children would lose Medicaid health coverage under the new Senate GOP plan. (Val Gempis/Wikimedia … Continued

Senate Health Bill Would Slash Medicaid, Taking Health Care from Millions of Low-Income People

This statement from the Center for Law and Social Policy (CLASP) can be attributed to Oliva Golden, CLASP Executive Director June 22, 2017—Today, Senate Republicans released their health reform bill. The so-called Better Care Bill—which would actually make care worse—would … Continued

How Medicaid Caps Would Impact Seniors

Posted at https://www.chn.org/2017/06/22/how-medicaid-caps-would-impact-seniors/#.WUvowuvysdU By National Council on Aging June 22, 2017 Editor’s note: This piece was written by Joe Caldwell, PhD, the Director of Long-Term Services and Supports Policy at National Council on Aging. It was originally published on NCOA’s blogon June 19.  … Continued

Industry Was Doubly Generous With These 13 GOP Senators Now Drafting Trumpcare

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Posted at https://www.commondreams.org/news/2017/06/21/industry-was-doubly-generous-these-13-gop-senators-now-drafting-trumpcare Published on Wednesday, June 21, 2017 by Common Dreams NOTE: PA Senator Toomey has received over $350,000 from the insurance and pharmaceutical industries. While baker’s dozen of Republicans’ all-male, all-white legislative team draft bill in secret, analysis … Continued

Sign Petition to Take On Big Pharma, Drive Down Drug Prices

From Public Citizen (https://www.citizen.org/): “The pharmaceutical industry is getting away with murder.” That’s what Donald Trump said back in January. Now, President Trump is writing an executive order that will keep medicine prices high and increase them abroad. Tell Congress: … Continued

Senate Moving on Health Care—Act Now, and Join a Health Care Vigil Tomorrow!

From the Pennsylvania Health Access Network (http://www.pahealthaccess.org): New vigils added in Harrisburg and Allentown. See other vigils below. NOTE: For a link to what you can do in addition to or if you can’t attend a vigil, go to https://www.pachurchesadvocacy.org/next-two-weeks-crucial-call-senators-to-protect-medicaid/. … Continued