Preemption is Popping Up Again in Pennsylvania—Act to Stop It

From PathWays PA ( While it’s back to school for many of us, it’s back to work for Pennsylvania’s full-time legislature – which means some legislators are (once again) trying to overturn Philadelphia’s paid sick and safe days law passed … Continued

Medicare for All and the Myth of the 40% Physician Pay Cut

Posted at A single payer system works by cutting administrative waste, not doctors’ income Published on Tuesday, September 11, 2018 by Common Dreams By Dr. Carol Paris Supporters of Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) hold signs during an event on … Continued

Urge Congress to Reduce Racial Disparities in Maternal Health

From Moms Rising (  “Exhausted from labor, I had no idea what to even say or ask. I never ended up receiving an overview of the process, nor any information on what I should expect or do post-partum. I was … Continued

How Medicaid Work Requirements Will Harm Rural Residents – And Communities

Posted at Medicaid plays an essential role in delivering health care in rural America and is an economic lifeline to many communities. Nearly 1 in 4 non-elderly adults in rural areas have health coverage through Medicaid. The Affordable Care … Continued

PPC Posts Annual State of Children’s Health Care

From Pennsylvania Partnerships for Children ( Each year, PPC compiles the State of Children’s Health Care data to track children’s health indicators in Pennsylvania as it relates to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) and monitors changes over … Continued

GOP Tax Law Isn’t Just About Taxes—It’s Undermining American Health Care

Posted at By CHN August 15, 2018 Editor’s note: The op-ed excerpted below was written by Frank Clemente, executive director of Americans for Tax Fairness, and Margarida Jorge, co-director of Health Care for America Now! It was originally published by The Hill on Aug. … Continued