Despite Promises of ACA, Study Shows Two-Thirds of Personal Bankruptcies Still Caused by Illness and Medical Bills

Posted at Published on Thursday, February 07, 2019 by Common Dreams “We need to move ahead from the ACA to a single-payer, Medicare for All system that assures first-dollar coverage for everyone.” By Julia Conley, staff writer A majority … Continued

Sign Petition to Demand State Electeds Act to Transform Lives of the Poor

From Repairers of the Breach ( You may have seen the video of me (Rev. Dr. William Barber) challenging Tennessee Governor Bill Lee to embrace a moral agenda on MLK Day. The press is saying that my speech “called out” Gov. Lee. … Continued

Confronting Pharma Greed That Is ‘Literally Killing People,’ Sanders and Khanna Unveil Bills to Lower Drug Prices

Posted at Published on Thursday, January 10, 2019 by Common Dreams “How many people need to die, how many people need to get unnecessarily sicker before Congress is prepared to take on the greed of the prescription drug industry?” … Continued

The Far-Reaching Benefits of Medicaid Expansion

Posted at Rachel West, Center for American Progress., posted on January 9, 2019 In Idaho, Nebraska, and Utah, more than 600 lives will be saved every year thanks to ballots cast in November’s midterm elections. In Maine, more than 100 … Continued