Beating the Pharma Shell Game

Posted at A trillion-dollar industry is in trouble. And it is fighting back. A Harvard-Politico poll taken after the 2018 elections showed that both Republican and Democrat voters cite prescription drug pricing as the top priority for this new Congress. A new Kaiser Family … Continued

FREE Dental Care for Kids! Call Starting April 1 to Make an Appointment!

From Public Citizens for Children and Youth ( Parents call PCCY at 215-563-5848 x21 to make an appointment starting April 1st for free dental care during children’s spring break.  PCCY’s Give Kids a Smile event is particularly for children who … Continued

The Good Samaritan Parable Writ Large: How the Faith Community Helped Create Universal Health Care in Canada

A version of this article, written by our editor, was published in the March issue of Sojourners magazine. Most Canadians have grown up never having to worry about paying a medical bill. Thanks to their country’s universal healthcare system, everyone gets … Continued

Landmark New Medicare-for-All Bill Introduced in the House-Add Your Name!

From the Campaign for America’s Future ( Calling for a “complete transformation of our healthcare system,” Rep. Pramila Jayapal officially introduced Medicare-for-All legislation yesterday that experts have described as the most “comprehensive, battle-ready single-payer plan to be released in Congress.” … Continued

New Report: 2020 Census Has Big Consequences for Healthcare in PA

From the Pennsylvania Health Access Network ( The 2020 Census will be critically important to the future of Pennsylvania, and even a minor undercount would have dire implications that would last for at least a decade. The Commonwealth receives $26 … Continued