Tell Your Representative—Protect Our Drinking Water by Phasing Out PFAS

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From PennEnvironment ( Across the country, hundreds of communities have had their drinking water contaminated with toxic chemicals known as PFAS.1 This week, Congress will vote on legislation that would permanently curb a major source of this PFAS contamination: firefighting … Continued

Study Warns Melting of ‘One of the World’s Most Dangerous Glaciers’ Could Cause 20-Inch Sea Level Rise

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Posted at Published on Tuesday, July 09, 2019 by Common Dreams NASA scientist says that “after reaching the tipping point, Thwaites Glacier could lose all of its ice in a period of 150 years.” By Jessica Corbett, staff writer … Continued

‘Completely Terrifying’: Study Warns Carbon-Saturated Oceans Headed Toward Tipping Point That Could Unleash Mass Extinction Event

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Posted at Published on Tuesday, July 09, 2019 by Common Dreams “Once we’re over the threshold…you’re dealing with how the Earth works, and it goes on its own ride.” By Julia Conley, staff writer The Atlantic coast near Galicia, … Continued

‘We Are in a Climate Emergency, America’: Anchorage Hits 90 Degrees for First Time in Recorded History

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Posted at Published on Friday, July 05, 2019 by Common Dreams “This is unprecedented. I tease people that Anchorage is the coolest city in the country—and climatically that is true—but right now we are seeing record heat,” said Anchorage … Continued

Tell PA Legislators—Protect the Habitat of Eastern Hellbender and Other Vulnerable Species

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From PennEnvironment ( It’s official: in April, the state legislature approved a bill to make North America’s largest salamander, the Eastern Hellbender, Pennsylvania’s state amphibian. And while all Pennsylvanians’ chests should swell with pride by this bipartisan show of support … Continued

Tell Congress: Pass the Roadless Area Conservation Act

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From PennEnvironment ( Grizzly bears, bald eagles and other wildlife have thrived for centuries amid the towering trees of Alaska’s Tongass National Forest. Now they need our help. The Trump administration is poised to open the Tongass up to logging, … Continued