Tell the EPA: Protect Our Respiratory Health from Soot Pollution–Till June 29

From PennEnvironment ( On April 5, a Harvard study found that the risk of death from COVID-19 is increased by exposure to soot pollution.1 Just days later, the administration rejected its own scientists’ recommendation to strengthen protections against soot pollution.2 Despite … Continued

Chairs DeFazio, Napolitano Introduce Legislation to Block Implementation of Administration’s Dirty Water Rule

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The administration’s Dirty Water Rule would roll back bipartisan clean water protections for streams, rivers, and wetlands, jeopardizing access to clean water for millions of Americans in the middle of a global pandemic Washington, D.C. –Chair of the House Committee on … Continued

Urge the Governor to Protect Monarchs by Planting Monarch-Friendly Plants

posted in: Environment, Uncategorized | 0

From PennEnvironment ( The great monarch migration has begun once again as the butterflies prepare to depart their winter resting grounds in Mexico. But this year’s numbers have dropped by 53 percent.1 There are several factors contributing to monarchs’ struggles, but there … Continued

Stop General Assembly from Using the Pandemic to Freeze Environmental Protections

From PennEnvironment ( Unbelievably, members of the state legislature chose to recognize the 50th anniversary of Earth Day by fast-tracking a proposal to stop new and pending environmental regulations in their tracks. To add insult to injury, there are actually … Continued