Calling Covid-19 a Crisis of Humanity’s Own Making, Coalition Says Healing ‘Broken Relationship With Nature’ Key to Stopping Next Pandemic

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Posted at Published on Tuesday, March 09, 2021 by Common Dreams Unless preventative action is taken, there is “a high risk that we will make the same mistake again.” By Andrea Germanos, staff writer Baby borneo orangutan seen playing … Continued

Kiss the Ground—Schedule Viewing During Faith Climate Action Week

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From Interfaith Power and Light ( People are calling Kiss the Ground, “The Most Important Film You’ll Ever Watch”. This is a really big claim, but it just might be true! Plan to screen this year’s featured film, Kiss the Ground, as part of your … Continued

Urge Your State Rep to Cosponsor Resolution to Conserve Wildlife Corridors

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From the Endangered Species Coalition ( We are so close to moving forward on a resolution in support of conservation corridors in the Keystone state! Pennsylvania has a chance right now to pass legislation that advances connectivity for wildlife, plants, and ecosystems. … Continued

Sign Now to Permanently End Drilling in the Arctic Refuge

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From the National Resources Defense Council ( Arctic drilling threatens our climate, the land that the Gwich’in and other Indigenous peoples depend on, and imperiled wildlife. Urge Congress to permanently protect the Arctic from this devastation. Go to to … Continued

Act to Clean Up Smog-Forming Pollution from Pennsylvania’s Power Plants

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From PennEnvironment ( It sounds too outrageous to be true, but: when Pennsylvania has some of its smoggiest and unhealthiest air days, state officials allow dirty power plants to turn off their pollution-reducing equipment and actually INCREASE THEIR SMOG POLLUTION. Speak … Continued

‘We Must Heed the Warning’: 1 in 3 Freshwater Fishes—Vital to Food and Jobs for Millions—Face Extinction

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Posted at Published on Tuesday, February 23, 2021 by Common Dreams “Humanity can’t afford to lose any more of the world’s forgotten fishes or the freshwater ecosystems they inhabit.” By Jessica Corbett, staff writer A new report by WWF … Continued