VICTORY: State Supreme Court Rules Leasing Public Land for Fracking Betrayed Government’s Constitutional Duties

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From PennFuture ( Today (June 20), the Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled that the state government must act as trustees for public natural resources under the Environmental Rights Amendment. The decision overturns a lower court decision and rules that the state … Continued

Tell Secretary Zinke: Continue to Protect Special Areas in National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska

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From the Alaska Wilderness League ( We’ve all seen the pictures: oil and birds do not mix. Yet, Interior Secretary Zinke could expose Teshekpuk Lake – a protected Special Area with the highest density of shorebirds in the Arctic – … Continued

LIPW Summer Film Series, Fourth Fridays, 7:30pm–Lancaster

From Lancaster Interchurch Peace Witness ( Lancaster Interchurch Peace Witness has scheduled the following free Films at St. John’s Episcopal Church in the Parish Hall, 321 West Chestnut St., Lancaster. Friday, June 23, 7:30 pm, “FROM THE ASHES” 2017 film that … Continued